The Issues
West Virginia and McDowell County are wonderful places; but we do have our issues; and I'm determined to help!
West Virginia PROSPER!
Areas of Focus:
Ensure WV is enticing for new industries
Stand against the "War on Coal"
Comprehensive regulatory review and get rid of wasteful, unneeded, and duplicative regulations
Promote educational excellence
Streamline infrastructure development process
Attack drug / opioid holistically from a supply, demand and educational perspective
Increase workforce participation
Protect our Rights and Freedoms!
Areas of Focus:
Protect parent's rights
Protect Second Amendment Rights
Defend unborn babies (Pro-Life)
Stand up against Woke Ideas and Initiatives
Push Pro-Family policies
McDowell County PROSPER!
I'm tired of McDowell County always being last, always struggling. It will be a long hard climb, but it is one I am willing to make! And I can't do it alone, but I am someone that the communities of McDowell can rally behind - someone that thinks outside the box - someone that GETS THINGS DONE!
Areas of Focus:
helping the growth of new industries and services
encouraging and molding tourism
public water and sewer
improving roads and internet
opioid and drug crisis
education challenges
helping our children have hope in McDowell
support seniors
enhancing our healthcare and emergency services
The only way from here - is UP!!
Dedicated and Determined to improve McDowell County and WV for us all!
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