The Issues

West Virginia and McDowell County are wonderful places; but we do have our issues; and I'm determined to help!

West Virginia PROSPER!

Areas of Focus:

  • Ensure WV is enticing for new industries

  • Stand against the "War on Coal"

  • Comprehensive regulatory review and get rid of wasteful, unneeded, and duplicative regulations

  • Promote educational excellence

  • Streamline infrastructure development process

  • Attack drug / opioid holistically from a supply, demand and educational perspective

  • Increase workforce participation

Protect our Rights and Freedoms!

Areas of Focus:

  • Protect parent's rights

  • Protect Second Amendment Rights

  • Defend unborn babies (Pro-Life)

  • Stand up against Woke Ideas and Initiatives

  • Push Pro-Family policies

McDowell County PROSPER!

I'm tired of McDowell County always being last, always struggling. It will be a long hard climb, but it is one I am willing to make! And I can't do it alone, but I am someone that the communities of McDowell can rally behind - someone that thinks outside the box - someone that GETS THINGS DONE!

Areas of Focus:

  • helping the growth of new industries and services

  • encouraging and molding tourism

  • public water and sewer

  • improving roads and internet

  • opioid and drug crisis

  • education challenges

  • helping our children have hope in McDowell

  • support seniors

  • enhancing our healthcare and emergency services